Windows 10 / 11 and Privacy Settings
Why worry about them?

This guide is written with Windows 11 in mind and can be utilised for Windows 10 but the menu options may be different or in different places.

Windows users inadvertently, by default and without knowing, are sending information to software vendors, including Microsoft, every time they use this operating system. Each time you turn your laptop or PC on, and are connected to the web, your machine is sending data on a constant basis. Some vendors will only receive this data from you when you actually use the apps while others constantly stream data away. The vast majority of this information is not critical to you but can identify a lot about you and your browsing or usage habits.

While at first glance this can seem harmless and can be seen by some as OK and safe other users do not want data sent to any vendor no matter what. The data and browser usage facts and figures are their business only. So, what can you do about it? Simple... turn off some settings within the operating system and while not the be all and end all these changes will go some way to keep your data and usage private. I do not advocate that actual file data is being sent so do not worry about that. This is usually software and browser habits and other data likewise that is transmitted.

These settings will optimise your system for you while some I will leave for you to decide whether or nnot to disable them as you own your laptop or PC and the choice/s must be yours alone. Therefore I cannnot and will not say absolutely what to do with these settings. I will not and cannot be held responsible for changes you make to your systems via the use of this information. It is intended as an aid to assist in choices you alone make.

Step by Step

Click the Start button and then Settings if it is listed in the "Pinned" area. If not, click All Apps and scroll down to the section headed by "S". Click Settings. You are presented with a new "Home" Screen introduced to replace the former startup screen labelled "System". Everything on the Home screen is linked to elsewhere in the Settings menu and is convenient if these settings are regularly. I will only list headings where changes can be made to help with Privacy and nothing else.

PRIVACY & SECURITY: If you aren’t sure about some of these changes then leave them.


Windows Security > Protection Areas > Virus & Threat Protection / Account Protection: leave as default

Windows Security > Protection Areas > Firewall & This is where you can allow an app through the firewall such as RailMaster. Your active network should be set to Private unless connected through a server then it should be set as a Domain.

Windows Security > Protection Areas > App & Browser Control: Default > Off. The setting for Reputation-based Protection is where settings can changed if RailMaster is beong blocked from downloading or updating. SmartScreen is an offender for this and can be turned off temporarily while attempting to dwonload software such as RailMaster. Turn it back on when downloaded.

Windows Security > Protection Areas > Device and Family options: These remaining options can be left alone.


Set the following to the settings shown here unless you wish to keep the defaults for any of them.


General: Turn OFF all four options

Speech: OFF

Diagnostics & Feedback > Send Optional Diagnostic Data: OFF. Ensure you are only sending reuired data. this cannot be removed or changed. Set Ink, Tailored and Diagnostic options to OFF.

Diagnostics & Feedback > Feedback frequency: Set this to Never

Activity History: All OFF



Location: A big one this... turn them all OFF unless you use apps like Weather etc. and wish to use them. If you don‘t wish vendors to know your location at any time then simply turn this OFF.

Camera/Microphone/Voice Activation/Notifications: All OFF unless you use one or more of them

Account info: OFF

Contacts/Calendar/Phone Calls/Call History/Email/Tasks/Messaging/Radios: All OFF unless you use one or more

Other devices: optional depending upon usage but normally OFF

App diagnostics: All OFF

Automatic File Downloads: Allow

Documents/Downloads Folder/Music Library/Pictures/Videos/File SystemScreenshot Options: All OFF unless you use one or more

And there you have it for the Settings options.

Example: You may wish to listen music on Windows Media Player... turn on the main two options and that for Media Player. The same will be switchable for a different player.